
Solutions by Industry

Health Care

More and more the medical community is turning to credit cards for the financial benefits of faster, more reliable payments. Receiving payments at the time of visits instead of over the months or years it takes to collect it is only the beginning. The reduced costs associated with invoicing, claims, processing, and collection plus the simplified paperwork makes it the obvious solution for the future of health care payments

With consumer need and demand so clear, it’s no wonder that more and more healthcare providers are accepting credit cards for payment every year. What may not be as clear are the financial benefits of faster, reliable payment and reduced costs associated with invoicing, claims processing and collection. Additionally, it streamlines administrative procedures and accounts receivables.

Wouldn’t you prefer it if more patients paid when services are rendered? Credit card acceptance provides your patients a convenient, flexible and immediate way to fulfill their payment obligation. Collecting payment from patients at the time of service can make a substantial difference in your organization’s cash flow. Credit card acceptance makes all this possible.




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